Blog 13

I chose chapter 7 of “They Say I Say” because it was about how to say why it matters. A lot of comments on my paper were questions like “why?” So I thought it would be a good chapter to read and add on to my paper.

Changes I made to my third paragraph

Science and art can work together to allow one to fully understand empathy. Meaning science and art have this relationship that when they are used together they can help people realize they can connect with other people about what they are going through. Mark B Boslough believes empathy is benefitted by science. They way one can connect with someone else on how they are feeling can be advanced through science because science allows us a larger understanding of the world around us, therefor we can understand certain situations and empathize more with people going through those situations. As he uses G.K. Gilbert’s quote, “that deep understanding of nature though scientific research is essential and hour material, social, and intellectual condition directly depends on our scientific knowledge”(Boslough, 3). He is arguing here that our empathy depends on our scientific knowledge. I do not believe that in order to have empathy, you need to have scientific knowledge, but I do believe that science and art can work together and influence one’s understanding of empathy. Scientific knowledge and facts about how the world works gives you a base layer of understanding at which you realize how others live. Art can step in there and compliment what you already know about life with how you can feel about what you know. In the world of business a good combination of scientific and art knowledge will allow you to be successful. This is due to the empathetic way you can relate to people which affects all aspects of a career in business.

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