blog 12

Our empathy effects our scientific method as our scientific method effects our empathy. Yo-Yo Ma is a famous cellist who has won many Grammy Awards. In his article Necessary Edges: Arts, Empathy, and Education he talks about the importance that art has on humans and that is could be incorporated into our education curriculum as STEAM rather then STEM. He mentions the importance of empathy as he states “ to be able to put oneself in another’s shoes without prejudgment is and essential skill. Empathy comes when you understand something deeply through arts and literature.” Ma believes that you gain empathy through the arts, and that it is an essential skill to have. This is why we should have art in our schools in orders for our youth to learn empathy. While others believe science what should be focused on in school, and physicist Mark B Boslough our empathy is effected by science. As he uses G.K. Gilbert’s quote in his article We Must Protect U.S. Investment in Scientific Knowledge, “that deep understanding of nature though scientific research is essential and hour material, social, and intellectual condition directly depends on our scientific knowledge.” He is arguing here that our empathy depends on our scientific knowledge. I agree with both Ma and Boslough. You cannot have empathy without science and you cannot have science without empathy.

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